Friday, March 12, 2010

"The Very Best Place for a Penny"

Every year I read a wonderful book to the 3 and 4 year old classes. The book is titled "The Very Best Place for a Penny". It is written by Dina Herman Rosenfeld. The story is the adventure of a penny that rolls out of a boy's pocket, into a washer dryer, under a bed and travels around the house looking for "the very best place for a penny". Ultimately, the penny ends up in a Tzedakah Box where we then learn about Tzedakah and Mitvah. The children love the story and I tell it with a prop- a very large penny. Then the children make a classroom Tzedakah box by decorating an empty oatmeal container. The box gets filled weekly and the children always remember the "very best place for a penny"!

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