We all have had moments when we need advice, new ideas, support; we all need a moment to share our successes, and we need to do it with someone who really knows what we're talking about. Our listserv has been serving that purpose to some degree. I'm suggesting a discussion about how we can best take advantage of each different venue. Is there a way to use the listserv to alert those who are interested, about discussions that are taking place on the blog? Then the listserv might be able to be used more efficiently and for more immediate purposes.
Cathy Rolland, our representative in the URJ, is working on developing a new way to reach us with a publication like Ganeinu in a new format, so we can continue to receive professional articles pertinent to the field.
Please let us know how we can best work together to keep communication happening. Post comments!!
Sari Luck Schneider
Early Childhood Director
Temple Shaaray Tefila
New York, NY
We'll be posting updates to both of the listservs every other week, with a link to the blog and an update about the current topic!